Thursday, February 8, 2007

Sick of being SICK

My poor kidos have been sick for what seems for an eternity for me. We took Landen-poo to the doctor yet again today. Good news - he is getting better...he has bronchitis which has flared his asthma. We go back AGAIN on Tuesday for another check up. Renny-Ren is still coughing, but over the croup (YEAH!), but now has bronchitis (NOT YEAH AT ALL!) So we've just been hanging out at home trying to get through the sickies. Of course, by these pictures you can't tell they are sick - you can't tell by their energy level either!

1 comment:

Misty said...

Those kids are SO SO cute!!! I love them and miss them tons! Give them big kisses and hugs from Aunt Misty! =) I hope they are feeling better.